9 tips to maintain the balance between festival parties and quality ‘us’ time

As the holiday season approaches, the calendar is full of fun events, get-togethers and opportunities to spend time with loved ones. Finding the ideal balance between the excitement of party time and the intimacy of “us” time can be an enjoyable challenge, even though celebrating with friends and family is undoubtedly joyful. A truly rewarding holiday requires navigating this delicate mix. With a little time management, understanding and healthy communication you can seamlessly blend the joys of socializing with the importance of carving out cherished moments for your own relationship. Let’s discover how to make this holiday season a perfect blend of celebration and intimacy. (Also read: Healing resentment in relationships: Therapist shares a guide )

9 tips to maintain the balance between festival parties and quality ‘us’ time(Unsplash/Yoab Anderson)

Tips to Strengthen Your Relationship in the Holiday Hustle

Clinton Power, Online relationship counsellor and marriage therapist shared in his recent Instagram post nine top tips to keep the balance between parties and your relationship this holiday season.

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1. Selective RSVPing

Sit down together and decide which events really matter. Not every invite needs a yes. It’s about quality, not quantity.

2. It’s okay to pass

Feeling overbooked? Politely declining an invite is totally fine. Your relationship peace is important too.

3. Sacred date nights

Amid the holiday hustle, lock in dates that are just for you two. These could be simple, like a picnic in the park or a night of stargazing. It’s about creating your own holiday magic.

4. Double the fun

Love certain events? Turn these into your couple time. Whether it’s a concert or a community event, if it’s fun for both, it’s a win.

5. Open conversations

When the social buzz gets too much, have a heart-to-heart. It’s about finding that sweet spot that works for both of you.

6. Quick quality moments

Even the busiest days have those little pockets of time. A morning walk, cooking a quick meal together, or simply watching the sunrise can be incredibly rejuvenating.

7. Your own traditions

Create a unique holiday tradition that’s just yours. It can be something quirky like a themed photo shoot or making a yearly holiday scrapbook.

8. Remember why you’re celebrating

In all the socialising, don’t lose sight of what the holidays are about – spending time with those you love, including your partner.

9. Chill time post-holidays

Plan some relaxed, cosy days after the festive rush. A weekend getaway or a movie marathon – just unwind together.

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